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Phiolosophy Topics For Eassay Paper
Thursday, September 3, 2020
Teen Pregnancy (489 words) Essay Example For Students
Adolescent Pregnancy (489 words) Essay Adolescent PregnancyTeenage Pregnancy The Truth About Teen Pregnancy Although the pace of high school pregnancy in the United States has declined significantly inside the previous scarcely any years, it is as yet a gigantic issue that should be tended to. These rates are as yet higher during the 1990s than they were just 10 years back. The United States young birthrate surpasses that of most other industrialized countries, despite the fact that American youngsters are no more explicitly dynamic than adolescents are in Canada or Europe. (Gormly 348) Recent insights concerning the teenager birthrates are disturbing. Around 560,000 high school young ladies conceive an offspring every year. Right around one-6th of all births in the United States are to high school ladies are to adolescent ladies. Eight of every ten of these births came about because of unintended pregnancies. (Gormly 347) By the age of eighteen, one out of four high school young ladies will have gotten pregnant. (Newman 679) Although the beginning of pregnancy may happen in any young person, a few teenagers are at higher hazard for spontaneous pregnancy than others. Youngsters who become explicitly dynamic at a prior age are at a more serious hazard basically in light of the fact that youthful adolescents are more averse to utilize birthcontrol. African-American and Hispanic adolescents are twice as prone to conceive an offspring as are white young people. We will compose a custom article on Teen Pregnancy (489 words) explicitly for you for just $16.38 $13.9/page Request now Whites are bound to have premature births. Young people who originate from helpless neighborhoods and go to isolated schools are at a high hazard for pregnancy. Additionally, adolescents who are doing inadequately in school and have not many designs for what's to come are bound to become guardians than the individuals who are progressing nicely and have high educationsl and word related desires. In spite of the fact that the pace of adolescent pregnancy is higher among low-pay African-Americans and Hispanics, particularly those in downtown ghettoes, the quantity of births to youngsters is most noteworthy among white, nonpoor young ladies who live in little urban areas and towns. (Calhoun 309) notwithstanding the subject of which youngsters become pregnant, intrigue is appeared in the social outcomes of early parenthood. Juvenile guardians (for the most part moms) may find that they have a lost or constrained open door for instruction. (Johnson 4) The higher a womans level of instruction, the more probable she is to defer marriage and childbearing. Young people with small tutoring are frequently twice as likely as those with more training to have an infant bafore their twentieth birthday celebration. Some 58% of young ladies in the United States who get not exactly a secondary school training conceive an offspring when they are twenty years of age, contrasted and 13% of young ladies who complete in any event twelve years of tutoring. (Tunick 11) Teens who become pregnant during secondary school are bound to drop out. (Calhoun 310) A high schooler mother leaves school since she can't deal with the assignment of thinking about an infant and examining, and a youngster father for the most part picks an occupation over school so he can take care of tabs and accommodate his kid. (Johnson 4) Teen moms ordinarily have less
Tuesday, August 25, 2020
Human Dignity Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words
Human Dignity - Essay Example There are number of models in the history where human nobility took need over misusing of people. For instance, the brutal treatment of laborers in the possession of English individuals made the congregation to make a move and present human rights through trade guilds. By thusly, the human pride turned into the measuring stick for judging the political, good and social parts of a general public. These days the void among rich and poor is on the ascent, which is in opposition to human respect. This occurred because of abuse of influence by the rich individuals. Odds of an atomic war in various districts of the world ruined the life of poor nations. This pattern was overwhelmed with the assistance of United Nations to present motivations and give more consideration to tranquil settlement of the human issues rather than war to reestablish the human nobility. In this manner, it is obvious from history the human are brought into the world free and reserve the option to live their lives with ethical quality and equity. Human pride requests equivalent treatment of all people in religion, sports, governmental issues, clinical and financial aspects
Saturday, August 22, 2020
Speech to Persuade Cosmetic Surgery Free Essays
Liposuction Intro: Present myself Transition: What Is Liposuction? Liposuction which Is otherwise called lipoplasty Is a surgery used to thin and reshape explicit zones of the body by expelling overabundance fat stores under the skin with the utilization of a vacuum-attractions cannula. One thing consider is that a cannula isn't constantly utilized here and there a ultrasonic test is utilized to separate fat then It is suctioned. Where on your body would you be able to get Liposuction? Liposuction might be performed on the mid-region, hips. We will compose a custom article test on Discourse to Persuade Cosmetic Surgery or on the other hand any comparable subject just for you Request Now thighs, calves. arms. ttocks. back. neck. or on the other hand face. A liposuction method may incorporate more than one region. for instance, the mid-region, arms, and thighs all around the same time or different territories that you pick, Liposuction is likewise used to diminish bosom size in men with huge bosoms (gynecomastia). Who plays out a lipo? Liposuction medical procedures are performed by plastic specialists. Any authorized doctor may perform liposuction yet it is suggested that they have exceptional preparing Where would you be able to have a methodology done? The system might be acted in a doctor’s office, careful focus or emergency clinic. Change: But remember that It Is Important that It be acted In a perfect domain. Crises may emerge during any medical procedure and access to crisis clinical gear or potentially a close by medical clinic crisis room Is Important What to expect during Liposuction and after? During the methodology the doctor will check your body with a pen to Indicate where the fat is to be evacuated. At that point you will get sedation which is medication that keeps you from feeling torment. When the sedation is working, the doctor will ake an entry point in the zone where the liposuction will be performed. A cannula which is an empty cylinder will be embedded into the cut. The doctor moves this cannula to and fro to pull out the fat. After the system you will remain at where the method was performed until the impact of the sedation has left. The cuts where the specialist embedded the cannula might be flawed or channel liquids for a few days. You will wear uncommon tight articles of clothing to keep your skin packed after the liposuction system What is the danger of Liposuction? Diseases may occur after any medical procedure including a liposuction. It is imperative to keep the injuries clean after the method to maintain a strategic distance from Infections. expanding may happen after liposuction. Now and again expanding may proceed for quite a long time or months after liposuction. Sedation can likewise be a hazard in the event that It Is not directed accurately. Poor injury mending. You may have Keloids which is a strange development of scars. What Is the Cost? I ne cost 0T llposuctlon differs Dy states ana specialists It ranges anywnere Trom $7,000 per territory. Progress: despite the cost I favor Liposuction in such a case that it is oing to assist somebody with resting easy thinking about the manner in which they look and improve them I am supportive of it. https://www.plasticsurgery.org/restorative systems/liposuction https://www.plasticsurgery.org/restorative systems/liposuction/strategy https://www.plasticsurgery.org/restorative systems/men-and-plastic-medical procedure/strategies https://www.plasticsurgery.org/restorative systems/liposuction/cost https://www.plasticsurgery.org/corrective techniques/liposuction/competitors The most effective method to refer to Speech to Persuade Cosmetic Surgery, Papers
40 Helpful Words Ending in -Ade
40 Helpful Words Ending in - Ade 40 Helpful Words Ending in - Ade 40 Helpful Words Ending in - Ade By Mark Nichol Words finishing off with - ade (or - cade) have a specific panache to them, regularly signifying a striking activity (counting, as often as possible, military exercises or tries) or an item or result of an activity subsequently a few words alluding to food or drink. Most terms in English are obtained from the French postfix - ade, related with the Italian structure - ata (which likewise shows up, for instance, in inamorata, which means â€Å"lover†) and the Spanish - ada (found in such words as task force, which means â€Å"armed fleet†); every one of the three components are gotten from the Latin addition - atus (as in contraption). In a few words with - ade endings, for example, brocade, decade, attack, infest, and grease, the postfix isn't gotten from - atus, however look at this rundown of those that are: 1. Honor: an honor or a declaration of recognition, or a function at which one or both are given 2. Ambuscade: a snare 3. Aquacade: an oceanic diversion where members swim and plunge to music 4. Balustrade: a column of vertical backings for a railing, or any obstruction 5. Blockade: an obstruction or other hindrance, or the activity of making one (disconnected to boundary, which originates from the Anglo-French word barre, which means â€Å"bar†) 6. Barricade: a hindrance to keep supplies or military staff from moving starting with one spot then onto the next via land or ocean, or any comparative preventive activity, or an interference of physiological procedures; likewise, to embrace such an activity 7. Detachment: an enormous military unit, or a sorted out gathering (as a basin unit, a line of individuals handing-off containers loaded with water to drench a fire) 8. Barrage: an assault, or the metaphorical identical, as in a boisterous ambush 9. Carronade: a short-hurtle gun (disconnected to gun, the word is from the spot name of Carron, Scotland) 10. Course: at least one stages in a cascade or any comparative development, a falling example in material, or a procedure that happens in stages in which every one causes another; additionally, utilized as an action word to depict one of these activities 11. Parade: a parade of individuals riding on creatures or in vehicles or vessels, or an arrangement 12. Act: a riddle or game (the last alluded to as acts) in which members attempt to figure a word or express, or a falsification 13. Chiffonade: a vegetable or herb serving or enhancement 14. Campaign: an excited exertion to cure or improve a circumstance; likewise an action word and, as crusader or crusading, a modifier 15. Corridor: a line of normally separated sections 16. Defilade: a fortress that limits the enemy’s moving territory, or the region in a structure or in a landscape out of the enemy’s line of fire 17. Enfilade: a flanking assault along the enemy’s line of fire, or a progression of rooms, every one of which opens into the following 18. Escalade: a demonstration of climbing, particularly a stronghold 19. Caper: an unapproved or offbeat movement or experience 20. Esplanade: an open region for strolling or driving, particularly on a shoreline 21. Fusillade: shots discharged all the while or in progression, or a comparative assault of shots or the allegorical proportionate, as in an upheaval of spoken or composed analysis 22. Gallopade: a sort of vivacious move 23. Gasconade: bragging or grandiosity 24. Glissade: a floating or sliding expressive dance step, or any development reminiscent of one; additionally, to embrace this activity 25. Lemonade: a beverage made of lemon squeeze, sugar, and water 26. Limeade: a beverage made of lime squeeze, sugar, and water 27. Marinade: an exquisite sauce used to season or potentially soften meat; the action word structure is marinate 28. Preserves: a jam that incorporates bits of products of the soil skin 29. Disguise: a gathering whose participants wear veils and outfits, or the ensemble itself; additionally, something accomplished for appear or to delude, or to camouflage, or an action word portraying this sort of conduct 30. Motorcade: a parade of mechanized vehicles 31. Orangeade: a beverage made of squeezed orange, sugar, and water 32. Palisade: a defensive fence made of pointed stakes, or one such stake, or a line of precipices recommending an obstruction 33. March: a parade or versatile cluster, a development of troops or the site of the arrangement, individuals walking or where they walk, or a display or a progression of activities or endeavors reminiscent of such a presentation; additionally, to perform one of these exercises 34. Pasquinade: a parody 35. Promenade: a spot where individuals walk, or an open walk or ride embraced for pleasure or to flaunt, a walk toward the start of a proper ball wherein all visitors partake, or a development in square moving (what's more, the word from which prom is shortened); likewise, to attempt any of these exercises 36. Maverick: one who resists typical norms of conduct or surrenders one reason for another 37. Scalade: an antiquated variation of escalade (see above) 38. Serenade: a melodic presentation expected to praise the audience, particularly one proceeded as a component of a romance, or a particular sort of melodic arrangement for a little gathering of entertainers 39. Barricade: a walled in area of presents or stakes developed on keep detainees in or the foe out 40. Torsade: a decoration, particularly for a cap, of wound string or lace Need to improve your English in a short time a day? Get a membership and begin getting our composing tips and activities day by day! Continue learning! Peruse the Vocabulary class, check our well known posts, or pick a related post below:Arrive To versus Show up AtGratitude or Gratefulness?20 Ways to Cry
Friday, August 21, 2020
Surgical Site Infection Following Operative -Myassignmenthelp.Com
Question: Examine About The Surgical Site Infection Following Operative? Answer Introducation The primary patient issue is laparotomy twisted consideration for Mr. Diminish as the patient has as of late experienced the surgery for the resection of the recto-sigmoid tumor in the mid-region. The patient has a stoma and an enormous dressing over the injury. This is the primary goal since there are odds of wound contamination if legitimate consideration isn't taken that may prompt further intricacies for the patient. Hazard factors incorporate broken skin, balance of body liquid and nearness of contaminants and pathogens notwithstanding intrusive strategy. Contamination at the would site would postpone the injury mending time and the attractive recuperation would not be accomplished (Lewis et al., 2014). The second patient issue is that Mr. Diminish is overweight and has a stationary way of life. At 62 years old years he weighs 84 kgs. He is a resigned truck driver and has negligible brain research movement all the time. Furthermore, he is a standard smoker and consumer. The patient is experiencing imbalanced nourishment: more than body prerequisites that is admission of food abundance than the metabolic needs. Heftiness is the reason for various wellbeing entanglements that meddle with the recuperation procedure of a patient post medical procedure. The patient has been experiencing hypertension for a long time. The patient needs to have a solid nourishment utilization so as to accomplish quick recuperation post medical procedure (Landsberg et al., 2013). The third patient issue is inadequate patient instruction. Mrs. Jones has mentioned to be taught on the surgery the patient had experienced. This mirrors she has insufficitn information on the ramifications of the medical procedure and the consecuitive consideration that must be given. Initially, it is the privilege of the patient relative to pick up data from the social insurance proficient about the surgery that the patient has experienced. Furthermore, instructing the family memebrs about medical procedure would diminish the odds of intricacies and bolster the recuperation procedure (Kuhns, 2017). Nursing finding (from NANDA-I) Objective Nursing mediations Justification Assessment/ anticipated result Hazard for disease To dispose of the odds of disease at the injury site and advance total recuperation Disease control and aseptic methodology are to be clung to Audit of lab reads are required for odds of deliberate diseases Complete dressing under aspectic strategies and utilization of appropriate dressing materials for the procedure Assessment of the skin for indications of contamination and bothering ID of indications of scratching and tingling Anti-microbials may be applied as demonstrated Distinguishing proof of an arrangement for debridement in the event of necrotic tissue is available Encourage quiet about skin appraisal and how to screen for signs and side effects of disease Instruments for forestalling disease at medical procedure site Expanded check of WBC shows a continuous disease that could be because of contamination at the injury site (Nettina et al., 2013) Odds of getting tainted are high at the hour of wound dressing Disturbance of skin uprightness close or at the medical procedure site are significant wellsprings of inection. Cutting to shaving with care is required for forestalling scratches and scraped spots in the skin Tingling and scratching reduce odds of disease (Ovaska et al., 2013) Suspected disease can be dealt with Recuperating isn't fitting if there is necrotic tissue Early recognizable proof and intercession forestalls extreme intricacies ( Zaccagnini White, 2015) Maintainence of aseptic and safe condition Nonattendance of disease or inconveniences at the medical procedure site Imbalanced sustenance: more than body prerequisites To advance useful and smart dieting designs according to body necessity Do and audit the day by day food admission Investigation and conversation of feelings of the patient related with eating Definition of eating plan with commitment of the patient. Information on the patients subtleties and nourishing needs is essential. The inclinations of the patient is to be known The essentialness of devouring a sound eating routine is to be accentuated onto Methodologies are to be created to manage voraciously consuming food Assurance of the current movement level of the patient and plan an activity program Improvement of a hunger decrease plan in a joint effort with the patient Make a sheltered and relieving condition at dinner time Distinguishes the examples of eating based on which dietary program can be illustrated Calls attention to distinction between eating because of body needs and passionate needs An arrangement that is laid out keeping the inclinations of the patient into thought is progressively fruitful Adjusted eating routine prompts metabolic adjusts and decreases odds of cerebral pain, weariness and shortcoming that are basic after medical procedure ( Ceccarelli et al., 2017) The patient is feeling remorseful about pigging out would not do it further Activities would help in weight reduction and increment vitality, improve body working and advance generally speaking prosperity Indications of totality to be perceived Proper condition while eating advances great dietary patterns (Chism, 2015) Proper eating practices Persistent instruction To teach patient and his relative about the ramifications of laparotomy Clarify about the method of laparotomy and the patient advantage drawn from it Lead one-on-one meeting with Mrs. Jones to convey the subtleties of the medical procedure A casual situation is to be made for this reason Correspondence should be clear and straightforward and language must be that for a layman Potential confusions of laparotomy to be educated, for example, drain and entrail blockages The patient to be exhorted rest The patient to be encouraged self-care systems including anticipation of blockage Dressing strategies to be educated to Mrs. Jones Mrs. Jones to be urged to propel the patient to stop smoking and drinking through giving training on discontinuance techniques Illuminate the patient and relative about what the medical procedure as about Correspondence on a one-on-one procedure is valuable in bestowing training Casual condition cultivates quiet training Understanding ready to interface with what is being conveyed to him Early location of inconveniences and resulting mediations diminish the odds of further unfriendly occasions Sufficient rest demonstrates expedient patient recuperation Clogging builds the odds of post-careful confusions (Potter et al., 2017) She would be answerable for thinking about the patient once he is released from the emergency clinic Smoking and drinking discontinuance would advance by and large wellbeing (Kleinpell, 2013) Mr. what's more, Mrs. Jones very much educated about the surgery and the suggestions References Ceccarelli, L., Franceschi, M., Bertani, L., Nieri, C., de Bortoli, N., Mumolo, G., ... Buccianti, P. (2017). P538 Can enteral polymeric eating routine change the post-careful result in Crohn's illness patients? A pilot study.Journal of Crohn's and Colitis,11(suppl_1), S353-S354. Chism, L. A. (2015).The specialist of nursing practice. Jones Bartlett Publishers. Kleinpell, R. M. (2013).Outcome evaluation in cutting edge work on nursing. Springer Publishing Company. Kuhns, K. (2017). NU02. 02 Preoperative Thoracic Surgery Patient Education Program Development.Journal of Thoracic Oncology,12(1), S198-S199. Landsberg, L., Aronne, L. J., Beilin, L. J., Burke, V., Igel, L. I., Lloyd?Jones, D., Sowers, J. (2013). Obesity?related hypertension: Pathogenesis, cardiovascular hazard, and treatmentA position paper of The Obesity Society and the American Society of Hypertension.Obesity,21(1), 8-24. Lewis, L. S., Convery, P. A., Bolac, C. S., Valea, F. A., Lowery, W. J., Havrilesky, L. J. (2014). Cost of care utilizing prophylactic negative weight twisted vacuum on shut laparotomy incisions.Gynecologic oncology,132(3), 684-689. Nettina, S. M., Msn, A. B., Nettina, S. M. (2013).Lippincott manual of nursing practice. Lippincott Williams the board. Ovaska, M. T., Mkinen, T. J., Madanat, R., Huotari, K., Vahlberg, T., Hirvensalo, E., Lindahl, J. (2013). Hazard factors for profound careful site contamination following usable treatment of lower leg fractures.JBJS,95(4), 348-353. Potter, P. A., Hall, A. M., Perry, A. G., Potter, P. A., Potter, P. A., Stockert, P. A. (2017).Fundamentals of Nursing; C [edited By] Patricia A. Potter, RN,. Mosby Elsevier. Zaccagnini, M., White, K. (2015).The specialist of nursing practice fundamentals. Jones Bartlett Learning.
Monday, August 3, 2020
Tips for Explaining a Parents Addiction to Children
Tips for Explaining a Parent's Addiction to Children Addiction Coping and Recovery Methods and Support Print Explaining a Parents Addiction to Children By Buddy T facebook twitter Buddy T is an anonymous writer and founding member of the Online Al-Anon Outreach Committee with decades of experience writing about alcoholism. Learn about our editorial policy Buddy T Medically reviewed by Medically reviewed by Aron Janssen, MD on November 27, 2019 linkedin Aron Janssen, MD is board certified in child, adolescent, and adult psychiatry and is the vice chair of child and adolescent psychiatry Northwestern University. Learn about our Medical Review Board Aron Janssen, MD Updated on February 19, 2020 Eric Audras / Getty Images More in Addiction Coping and Recovery Methods and Support Overcoming Addiction Personal Stories Alcohol Use Addictive Behaviors Drug Use Nicotine Use Children living in homes where there is parental substance abuse can find life difficult, unpredictable and confusing. Sometimes they even believe the alcohol or drug abuse is their fault. Dealing with the chaos and unpredictability of their home life, children can receive inconsistent messages. Children can feel guilt and shame trying to keep the family secrets. Often they feel abandoned due to the emotional unavailability of their parents. What to Tell Children About Substance Abuse in the Family If the family breaks up because of substance abuse, children may be removed from the home. Children who live with a parent who abuses alcohol or other substances may become withdrawn and shy while others can become explosive and violent.?? They often develop issues with self-esteem, attachment, autonomy, and trust. What do you tell children when one or both of their parents are alcoholics or addicts? How do you explain the chaos? First and foremost, because trust is almost always an issue, you tell them the truth. According to the National Association for Children of Alcoholics (NACoA), there are four messages that children, with parents who are alcoholics or addicts, need to hear: Addiction is a disease, you cant control your parents drinking, youre not alone, and you can talk about it.?? Addiction Is a Disease When they are drunk or high, sometimes parents can do things that are mean or things that dont make sense. Children need to know that their parents are not bad people, they are sick people who have a disease. Its Not Your Fault Children must understand that they are not the reason a parent drinks too much or abuses drugs. They did not cause the addiction and they cannot stop it. You Are Not Alone Children need to realize that their situation is not unique and they are not alone. Millions of children have parents who are addicted to drugs or who are alcoholics. They need to know that, even in their own school, there are other children in the same situation. Its Okay to Talk Children in homes with substance abuse need to know that its okay to talk about the problem without having to feel scared, ashamed or embarrassed. Children no longer have to lie, cover up, and keep secrets. They should be encouraged to talk to someone that they trust â€" a teacher, counselor, foster parent, or members of a peer support group such as Alateen. The Seven Cs NACoA also suggests that children dealing with family addiction learn and use the following 7 Cs of Addiction: I didnt cause it.I cant cure it.I cant control it.I can care for myselfBy communicating my feelings,Making healthy choices, andBy celebrating myself. Children from homes where there is parental substance abuse are often scared, lonely and many times feel isolated from society. Whether you deliver the message perfectly or not, giving them someone with whom they can talk is an important step in their recovery. Alcoholism: A Family Disease
Sunday, June 21, 2020
Dartmouth Tuck MBA Essay Tips Deadlines [2019 - 2020]
Under Pena’s leadership, Tuck has developed a very purposeful process focused on admitting people who meet its four criteria, summed up as: smart, nice, accomplished, and aware. The criteria match my understanding of the Tuck community, and also are relatively easy to grasp. Once Tuck established and defined these criteria, it designed its application process to unearth the qualities it is seeking in candidates. For more information on the Tuck criteria and the application process, please review: Tuck’s Evaluation Criteria An Interview with Dartmouth Tuck’s Admissions Director, Luke Pena While most schools so far have made few or no changes to their applications this year, Tuck has made significant changes. Last year Tuck required two essays with a maximum length of 500 words. This year, it is asking for three required essays with a maximum length of 300 words. Essay questions #1 and #2 are entirely new. In addition, Tuck has done away with last year’s short-answer questions. The optional and reapplicant essay questions are unchanged. My Dartmouth Tuck MBA essay tips are below in blue. Remember, concision is the name of the game. Dartmouth Tuck MBA Application Your essays are an opportunity to articulate your candidacy for Tuck. The best responses are clear, succinct, forthright, thoughtful, genuine, and so distinctly personal that only you could have written them. We expect that your essays are completely accurate and exclusively your own. Use of essay writing services violates Tuck’s admissions policies. Tuck MBA Application Essay #1 Tuck students can articulate how the distinctive Tuck MBA will advance their aspirations. Why are you pursuing an MBA and why Tuck? (300 words) What distinctive aspects of the Tuck MBA experience will help you realize your post-MBA goals? What motivates you to apply to Tuck and would compel you to accept an offer of admission? That’s really what they want to know. And those elements of the program need to be associated with your aspirations. In terms of structuring a response, you can start with your aspirations, which should lead directly to your reasons for pursuing an MBA. Then show how Tuck is perfectly suited to propel you towards your vision of your future. Focus on the distinctive aspects of Tuck’s program. Tuck MBA Application Essay #2 Tuck students recognize how their individuality adds to the fabric of Tuck. Tell us who you are. (300 words) This is a big question with not a lot of words to answer it in. Think about aspects of you and your life that reflect your individuality and aren’t reflected in other parts of the application or in other essays. Choose the most important elements and spotlight them in this essay. There are so many different ways to approach the response that I’m not going to suggest a structure. I do urge you to think deeply about what makes you You. Also, deliberate carefully and select those experiences and attributes that you want to highlight for Tuck. If your transcript and test score show you’re smart and your resume shows you’re accomplished, Essays #1 and #2 will show how aware you are. Tuck MBA Application Essay #3 Tuck students invest generously in one another’s success even when it is not convenient or easy. Share an example of how you helped someone else succeed. (300 words) And this essay will address â€Å"niceness.†FYI: The â€Å"even when it is not convenient or easy†part was added this year. This question asks you to provide one experience that shows you contributing and supporting someone else’s success. Your assistance could be on or off the job. While Tuck hasn’t given a timeframe, I would recommend that you go back not more than two years and certainly not more than four years. A CAR approach will work well here:  Challenge both for you and the beneficiary  Action  Result Keep it specific and concrete or you will blend in with others writing in generalities. Your empathetic, helpful response to the other party’s situation is key. Set the scene by describing the situation. How did you help the other party succeed? What were the challenges you both faced? What were the results? Tuck MBA Application Essay #4 (Optional) Please provide any additional insight or information that you have not addressed elsewhere (e.g., atypical choice of evaluators, factors affecting academic performance, unexplained job gaps or changes). Complete this question only if you feel your candidacy is not fully represented by this application. (300 words) If you have any of the elements mentioned in Tuck’s question, by all means, address them here. You do NOT want the admissions committee guessing or assuming wrongly when they come across something anomalous. If you feel your application represents your candidacy well, don’t feel compelled to respond to the optional essay. If you believe, however, that your application is missing key elements of your story, then briefly include them here. If your application is missing critical context, succinctly add it here. Whether it’s a challenge that you’ve faced or a hardship overcome or another context for what you’ve achieved that will help the admissions committee appreciate your candidacy, include it. But don’t waste their time with drivel or material that’s elsewhere in your application. Doing so would reveal a definite lack of judgment, and in Tuck terms, awareness. Tuck MBA Application Essay #5 (to be completed by all reapplicants) How have you strengthened your candidacy since you last applied? Please reflect on how you have grown personally and professionally. (300 words) This is a straightforward MBA reapplication question. It is critical that every reapplicant be able to answer it for every school they are reapplying to: What has changed that would compel Tuck to admit you this year? For expert guidance with your Dartmouth Tuck MBA application, check out Accepted’s MBA Application Packages, which include comprehensive guidance from an experienced admissions consultant. We’ve helped hundreds of applicants get accepted to Dartmouth Tuck’s MBA program and look forward to helping you too! Dartmouth Tuck 2019-20 Application Deadlines Application Deadline Decisions Released  Round 1 October 7, 2019 December 12, 2019  Round 2 January 6, 2020 March 12, 2020  Round 3 March 30, 2020 May 7, 2020 Round 1 Consortium* October 15, 2019 December 12, 2019 Round 2 Consortium* January 5, 2020 March 12, 2020 Applications are due by 5:00pm EST *Prospective students who are applying to Tuck through The Consortium will receive two decisions; one from Tuck regarding their admission decision and a second from the Consortium regarding their membership decision. ***Disclaimer: Information is subject to change. Please check with individual programs to verify the essay questions, instructions, and deadlines.*** By Linda Abraham, president and founder of Accepted. Linda earned her bachelors and MBA at UCLA, and has been advising applicants since 1994 when she founded Accepted. Linda is the co-founder and first president of AIGAC. She has written or co-authored 13 e-books on the admissions process, and has been quoted by The Wall Street Journal, U.S. News, Poets Quants, Bloomberg Businessweek, CBS News, and others. Linda is the host of Admissions Straight Talk, a podcast for graduate school applicants. Want an admissions expert help you get accepted? Click here to get in touch! Related Resources: †¢ Why MBA?, a free guide to writing about your MBA goals †¢ An Interview with Dartmouth Tuck’s Admissions Director, Luke Pena, a podcast episode †¢Ã‚ 3 Tips for Showing Strengths in Your Application Essays Dartmouth Tuck MBA Essay Tips Deadlines [2019 - 2020] Under Pena’s leadership, Tuck has developed a very purposeful process focused on admitting people who meet its four criteria, summed up as: smart, nice, accomplished, and aware. The criteria match my understanding of the Tuck community, and also are relatively easy to grasp. Once Tuck established and defined these criteria, it designed its application process to unearth the qualities it is seeking in candidates. For more information on the Tuck criteria and the application process, please review: Tuck’s Evaluation Criteria An Interview with Dartmouth Tuck’s Admissions Director, Luke Pena While most schools so far have made few or no changes to their applications this year, Tuck has made significant changes. Last year Tuck required two essays with a maximum length of 500 words. This year, it is asking for three required essays with a maximum length of 300 words. Essay questions #1 and #2 are entirely new. In addition, Tuck has done away with last year’s short-answer questions. The optional and reapplicant essay questions are unchanged. My Dartmouth Tuck MBA essay tips are below in blue. Remember, concision is the name of the game. Dartmouth Tuck MBA Application Your essays are an opportunity to articulate your candidacy for Tuck. The best responses are clear, succinct, forthright, thoughtful, genuine, and so distinctly personal that only you could have written them. We expect that your essays are completely accurate and exclusively your own. Use of essay writing services violates Tuck’s admissions policies. Tuck MBA Application Essay #1 Tuck students can articulate how the distinctive Tuck MBA will advance their aspirations. Why are you pursuing an MBA and why Tuck? (300 words) What distinctive aspects of the Tuck MBA experience will help you realize your post-MBA goals? What motivates you to apply to Tuck and would compel you to accept an offer of admission? That’s really what they want to know. And those elements of the program need to be associated with your aspirations. In terms of structuring a response, you can start with your aspirations, which should lead directly to your reasons for pursuing an MBA. Then show how Tuck is perfectly suited to propel you towards your vision of your future. Focus on the distinctive aspects of Tuck’s program. Tuck MBA Application Essay #2 Tuck students recognize how their individuality adds to the fabric of Tuck. Tell us who you are. (300 words) This is a big question with not a lot of words to answer it in. Think about aspects of you and your life that reflect your individuality and aren’t reflected in other parts of the application or in other essays. Choose the most important elements and spotlight them in this essay. There are so many different ways to approach the response that I’m not going to suggest a structure. I do urge you to think deeply about what makes you You. Also, deliberate carefully and select those experiences and attributes that you want to highlight for Tuck. If your transcript and test score show you’re smart and your resume shows you’re accomplished, Essays #1 and #2 will show how aware you are. Tuck MBA Application Essay #3 Tuck students invest generously in one another’s success even when it is not convenient or easy. Share an example of how you helped someone else succeed. (300 words) And this essay will address â€Å"niceness.†FYI: The â€Å"even when it is not convenient or easy†part was added this year. This question asks you to provide one experience that shows you contributing and supporting someone else’s success. Your assistance could be on or off the job. While Tuck hasn’t given a timeframe, I would recommend that you go back not more than two years and certainly not more than four years. A CAR approach will work well here:  Challenge both for you and the beneficiary  Action  Result Keep it specific and concrete or you will blend in with others writing in generalities. Your empathetic, helpful response to the other party’s situation is key. Set the scene by describing the situation. How did you help the other party succeed? What were the challenges you both faced? What were the results? Tuck MBA Application Essay #4 (Optional) Please provide any additional insight or information that you have not addressed elsewhere (e.g., atypical choice of evaluators, factors affecting academic performance, unexplained job gaps or changes). Complete this question only if you feel your candidacy is not fully represented by this application. (300 words) If you have any of the elements mentioned in Tuck’s question, by all means, address them here. You do NOT want the admissions committee guessing or assuming wrongly when they come across something anomalous. If you feel your application represents your candidacy well, don’t feel compelled to respond to the optional essay. If you believe, however, that your application is missing key elements of your story, then briefly include them here. If your application is missing critical context, succinctly add it here. Whether it’s a challenge that you’ve faced or a hardship overcome or another context for what you’ve achieved that will help the admissions committee appreciate your candidacy, include it. But don’t waste their time with drivel or material that’s elsewhere in your application. Doing so would reveal a definite lack of judgment, and in Tuck terms, awareness. Tuck MBA Application Essay #5 (to be completed by all reapplicants) How have you strengthened your candidacy since you last applied? Please reflect on how you have grown personally and professionally. (300 words) This is a straightforward MBA reapplication question. It is critical that every reapplicant be able to answer it for every school they are reapplying to: What has changed that would compel Tuck to admit you this year? For expert guidance with your Dartmouth Tuck MBA application, check out Accepted’s MBA Application Packages, which include comprehensive guidance from an experienced admissions consultant. We’ve helped hundreds of applicants get accepted to Dartmouth Tuck’s MBA program and look forward to helping you too! Dartmouth Tuck 2019-20 Application Deadlines Application Deadline Decisions Released  Round 1 October 7, 2019 December 12, 2019  Round 2 January 6, 2020 March 12, 2020  Round 3 March 30, 2020 May 7, 2020 Round 1 Consortium* October 15, 2019 December 12, 2019 Round 2 Consortium* January 5, 2020 March 12, 2020 Applications are due by 5:00pm EST *Prospective students who are applying to Tuck through The Consortium will receive two decisions; one from Tuck regarding their admission decision and a second from the Consortium regarding their membership decision. ***Disclaimer: Information is subject to change. Please check with individual programs to verify the essay questions, instructions, and deadlines.*** By Linda Abraham, president and founder of Accepted. Linda earned her bachelors and MBA at UCLA, and has been advising applicants since 1994 when she founded Accepted. Linda is the co-founder and first president of AIGAC. She has written or co-authored 13 e-books on the admissions process, and has been quoted by The Wall Street Journal, U.S. News, Poets Quants, Bloomberg Businessweek, CBS News, and others. Linda is the host of Admissions Straight Talk, a podcast for graduate school applicants. Want an admissions expert help you get accepted? Click here to get in touch! Related Resources: †¢ Why MBA?, a free guide to writing about your MBA goals †¢ An Interview with Dartmouth Tuck’s Admissions Director, Luke Pena, a podcast episode †¢Ã‚ 3 Tips for Showing Strengths in Your Application Essays Dartmouth Tuck MBA Essay Tips Deadlines [2019 - 2020] Under Pena’s leadership, Tuck has developed a very purposeful process focused on admitting people who meet its four criteria, summed up as: smart, nice, accomplished, and aware. The criteria match my understanding of the Tuck community, and also are relatively easy to grasp. Once Tuck established and defined these criteria, it designed its application process to unearth the qualities it is seeking in candidates. For more information on the Tuck criteria and the application process, please review: Tuck’s Evaluation Criteria An Interview with Dartmouth Tuck’s Admissions Director, Luke Pena While most schools so far have made few or no changes to their applications this year, Tuck has made significant changes. Last year Tuck required two essays with a maximum length of 500 words. This year, it is asking for three required essays with a maximum length of 300 words. Essay questions #1 and #2 are entirely new. In addition, Tuck has done away with last year’s short-answer questions. The optional and reapplicant essay questions are unchanged. My Dartmouth Tuck MBA essay tips are below in blue. Remember, concision is the name of the game. Dartmouth Tuck MBA Application Your essays are an opportunity to articulate your candidacy for Tuck. The best responses are clear, succinct, forthright, thoughtful, genuine, and so distinctly personal that only you could have written them. We expect that your essays are completely accurate and exclusively your own. Use of essay writing services violates Tuck’s admissions policies. Tuck MBA Application Essay #1 Tuck students can articulate how the distinctive Tuck MBA will advance their aspirations. Why are you pursuing an MBA and why Tuck? (300 words) What distinctive aspects of the Tuck MBA experience will help you realize your post-MBA goals? What motivates you to apply to Tuck and would compel you to accept an offer of admission? That’s really what they want to know. And those elements of the program need to be associated with your aspirations. In terms of structuring a response, you can start with your aspirations, which should lead directly to your reasons for pursuing an MBA. Then show how Tuck is perfectly suited to propel you towards your vision of your future. Focus on the distinctive aspects of Tuck’s program. Tuck MBA Application Essay #2 Tuck students recognize how their individuality adds to the fabric of Tuck. Tell us who you are. (300 words) This is a big question with not a lot of words to answer it in. Think about aspects of you and your life that reflect your individuality and aren’t reflected in other parts of the application or in other essays. Choose the most important elements and spotlight them in this essay. There are so many different ways to approach the response that I’m not going to suggest a structure. I do urge you to think deeply about what makes you You. Also, deliberate carefully and select those experiences and attributes that you want to highlight for Tuck. If your transcript and test score show you’re smart and your resume shows you’re accomplished, Essays #1 and #2 will show how aware you are. Tuck MBA Application Essay #3 Tuck students invest generously in one another’s success even when it is not convenient or easy. Share an example of how you helped someone else succeed. (300 words) And this essay will address â€Å"niceness.†FYI: The â€Å"even when it is not convenient or easy†part was added this year. This question asks you to provide one experience that shows you contributing and supporting someone else’s success. Your assistance could be on or off the job. While Tuck hasn’t given a timeframe, I would recommend that you go back not more than two years and certainly not more than four years. A CAR approach will work well here:  Challenge both for you and the beneficiary  Action  Result Keep it specific and concrete or you will blend in with others writing in generalities. Your empathetic, helpful response to the other party’s situation is key. Set the scene by describing the situation. How did you help the other party succeed? What were the challenges you both faced? What were the results? Tuck MBA Application Essay #4 (Optional) Please provide any additional insight or information that you have not addressed elsewhere (e.g., atypical choice of evaluators, factors affecting academic performance, unexplained job gaps or changes). Complete this question only if you feel your candidacy is not fully represented by this application. (300 words) If you have any of the elements mentioned in Tuck’s question, by all means, address them here. You do NOT want the admissions committee guessing or assuming wrongly when they come across something anomalous. If you feel your application represents your candidacy well, don’t feel compelled to respond to the optional essay. If you believe, however, that your application is missing key elements of your story, then briefly include them here. If your application is missing critical context, succinctly add it here. Whether it’s a challenge that you’ve faced or a hardship overcome or another context for what you’ve achieved that will help the admissions committee appreciate your candidacy, include it. But don’t waste their time with drivel or material that’s elsewhere in your application. Doing so would reveal a definite lack of judgment, and in Tuck terms, awareness. Tuck MBA Application Essay #5 (to be completed by all reapplicants) How have you strengthened your candidacy since you last applied? Please reflect on how you have grown personally and professionally. (300 words) This is a straightforward MBA reapplication question. It is critical that every reapplicant be able to answer it for every school they are reapplying to: What has changed that would compel Tuck to admit you this year? For expert guidance with your Dartmouth Tuck MBA application, check out Accepted’s MBA Application Packages, which include comprehensive guidance from an experienced admissions consultant. We’ve helped hundreds of applicants get accepted to Dartmouth Tuck’s MBA program and look forward to helping you too! Dartmouth Tuck 2019-20 Application Deadlines Application Deadline Decisions Released  Round 1 October 7, 2019 December 12, 2019  Round 2 January 6, 2020 March 12, 2020  Round 3 March 30, 2020 May 7, 2020 Round 1 Consortium* October 15, 2019 December 12, 2019 Round 2 Consortium* January 5, 2020 March 12, 2020 Applications are due by 5:00pm EST *Prospective students who are applying to Tuck through The Consortium will receive two decisions; one from Tuck regarding their admission decision and a second from the Consortium regarding their membership decision. ***Disclaimer: Information is subject to change. Please check with individual programs to verify the essay questions, instructions, and deadlines.*** By Linda Abraham, president and founder of Accepted. Linda earned her bachelors and MBA at UCLA, and has been advising applicants since 1994 when she founded Accepted. Linda is the co-founder and first president of AIGAC. She has written or co-authored 13 e-books on the admissions process, and has been quoted by The Wall Street Journal, U.S. News, Poets Quants, Bloomberg Businessweek, CBS News, and others. Linda is the host of Admissions Straight Talk, a podcast for graduate school applicants. Want an admissions expert help you get accepted? Click here to get in touch! Related Resources: †¢ Why MBA?, a free guide to writing about your MBA goals †¢ An Interview with Dartmouth Tuck’s Admissions Director, Luke Pena, a podcast episode †¢Ã‚ 3 Tips for Showing Strengths in Your Application Essays Dartmouth Tuck MBA Essay Tips Deadlines [2019 - 2020] Under Pena’s leadership, Tuck has developed a very purposeful process focused on admitting people who meet its four criteria, summed up as: smart, nice, accomplished, and aware. The criteria match my understanding of the Tuck community, and also are relatively easy to grasp. Once Tuck established and defined these criteria, it designed its application process to unearth the qualities it is seeking in candidates. For more information on the Tuck criteria and the application process, please review: Tuck’s Evaluation Criteria An Interview with Dartmouth Tuck’s Admissions Director, Luke Pena While most schools so far have made few or no changes to their applications this year, Tuck has made significant changes. Last year Tuck required two essays with a maximum length of 500 words. This year, it is asking for three required essays with a maximum length of 300 words. Essay questions #1 and #2 are entirely new. In addition, Tuck has done away with last year’s short-answer questions. The optional and reapplicant essay questions are unchanged. My Dartmouth Tuck MBA essay tips are below in blue. Remember, concision is the name of the game. Dartmouth Tuck MBA Application Your essays are an opportunity to articulate your candidacy for Tuck. The best responses are clear, succinct, forthright, thoughtful, genuine, and so distinctly personal that only you could have written them. We expect that your essays are completely accurate and exclusively your own. Use of essay writing services violates Tuck’s admissions policies. Tuck MBA Application Essay #1 Tuck students can articulate how the distinctive Tuck MBA will advance their aspirations. Why are you pursuing an MBA and why Tuck? (300 words) What distinctive aspects of the Tuck MBA experience will help you realize your post-MBA goals? What motivates you to apply to Tuck and would compel you to accept an offer of admission? That’s really what they want to know. And those elements of the program need to be associated with your aspirations. In terms of structuring a response, you can start with your aspirations, which should lead directly to your reasons for pursuing an MBA. Then show how Tuck is perfectly suited to propel you towards your vision of your future. Focus on the distinctive aspects of Tuck’s program. Tuck MBA Application Essay #2 Tuck students recognize how their individuality adds to the fabric of Tuck. Tell us who you are. (300 words) This is a big question with not a lot of words to answer it in. Think about aspects of you and your life that reflect your individuality and aren’t reflected in other parts of the application or in other essays. Choose the most important elements and spotlight them in this essay. There are so many different ways to approach the response that I’m not going to suggest a structure. I do urge you to think deeply about what makes you You. Also, deliberate carefully and select those experiences and attributes that you want to highlight for Tuck. If your transcript and test score show you’re smart and your resume shows you’re accomplished, Essays #1 and #2 will show how aware you are. Tuck MBA Application Essay #3 Tuck students invest generously in one another’s success even when it is not convenient or easy. Share an example of how you helped someone else succeed. (300 words) And this essay will address â€Å"niceness.†FYI: The â€Å"even when it is not convenient or easy†part was added this year. This question asks you to provide one experience that shows you contributing and supporting someone else’s success. Your assistance could be on or off the job. While Tuck hasn’t given a timeframe, I would recommend that you go back not more than two years and certainly not more than four years. A CAR approach will work well here:  Challenge both for you and the beneficiary  Action  Result Keep it specific and concrete or you will blend in with others writing in generalities. Your empathetic, helpful response to the other party’s situation is key. Set the scene by describing the situation. How did you help the other party succeed? What were the challenges you both faced? What were the results? Tuck MBA Application Essay #4 (Optional) Please provide any additional insight or information that you have not addressed elsewhere (e.g., atypical choice of evaluators, factors affecting academic performance, unexplained job gaps or changes). Complete this question only if you feel your candidacy is not fully represented by this application. (300 words) If you have any of the elements mentioned in Tuck’s question, by all means, address them here. You do NOT want the admissions committee guessing or assuming wrongly when they come across something anomalous. If you feel your application represents your candidacy well, don’t feel compelled to respond to the optional essay. If you believe, however, that your application is missing key elements of your story, then briefly include them here. If your application is missing critical context, succinctly add it here. Whether it’s a challenge that you’ve faced or a hardship overcome or another context for what you’ve achieved that will help the admissions committee appreciate your candidacy, include it. But don’t waste their time with drivel or material that’s elsewhere in your application. Doing so would reveal a definite lack of judgment, and in Tuck terms, awareness. Tuck MBA Application Essay #5 (to be completed by all reapplicants) How have you strengthened your candidacy since you last applied? Please reflect on how you have grown personally and professionally. (300 words) This is a straightforward MBA reapplication question. It is critical that every reapplicant be able to answer it for every school they are reapplying to: What has changed that would compel Tuck to admit you this year? For expert guidance with your Dartmouth Tuck MBA application, check out Accepted’s MBA Application Packages, which include comprehensive guidance from an experienced admissions consultant. We’ve helped hundreds of applicants get accepted to Dartmouth Tuck’s MBA program and look forward to helping you too! Dartmouth Tuck 2019-20 Application Deadlines Application Deadline Decisions Released  Round 1 October 7, 2019 December 12, 2019  Round 2 January 6, 2020 March 12, 2020  Round 3 March 30, 2020 May 7, 2020 Round 1 Consortium* October 15, 2019 December 12, 2019 Round 2 Consortium* January 5, 2020 March 12, 2020 Applications are due by 5:00pm EST *Prospective students who are applying to Tuck through The Consortium will receive two decisions; one from Tuck regarding their admission decision and a second from the Consortium regarding their membership decision. ***Disclaimer: Information is subject to change. Please check with individual programs to verify the essay questions, instructions, and deadlines.*** By Linda Abraham, president and founder of Accepted. Linda earned her bachelors and MBA at UCLA, and has been advising applicants since 1994 when she founded Accepted. Linda is the co-founder and first president of AIGAC. She has written or co-authored 13 e-books on the admissions process, and has been quoted by The Wall Street Journal, U.S. News, Poets Quants, Bloomberg Businessweek, CBS News, and others. Linda is the host of Admissions Straight Talk, a podcast for graduate school applicants. Want an admissions expert help you get accepted? Click here to get in touch! Related Resources: †¢ Why MBA?, a free guide to writing about your MBA goals †¢ An Interview with Dartmouth Tuck’s Admissions Director, Luke Pena, a podcast episode †¢Ã‚ 3 Tips for Showing Strengths in Your Application Essays Dartmouth Tuck MBA Essay Tips Deadlines [2019 - 2020] Under Pena’s leadership, Tuck has developed a very purposeful process focused on admitting people who meet its four criteria, summed up as: smart, nice, accomplished, and aware. The criteria match my understanding of the Tuck community, and also are relatively easy to grasp. Once Tuck established and defined these criteria, it designed its application process to unearth the qualities it is seeking in candidates. For more information on the Tuck criteria and the application process, please review: Tuck’s Evaluation Criteria An Interview with Dartmouth Tuck’s Admissions Director, Luke Pena While most schools so far have made few or no changes to their applications this year, Tuck has made significant changes. Last year Tuck required two essays with a maximum length of 500 words. This year, it is asking for three required essays with a maximum length of 300 words. Essay questions #1 and #2 are entirely new. In addition, Tuck has done away with last year’s short-answer questions. The optional and reapplicant essay questions are unchanged. My Dartmouth Tuck MBA essay tips are below in blue. Remember, concision is the name of the game. Dartmouth Tuck MBA Application Your essays are an opportunity to articulate your candidacy for Tuck. The best responses are clear, succinct, forthright, thoughtful, genuine, and so distinctly personal that only you could have written them. We expect that your essays are completely accurate and exclusively your own. Use of essay writing services violates Tuck’s admissions policies. Tuck MBA Application Essay #1 Tuck students can articulate how the distinctive Tuck MBA will advance their aspirations. Why are you pursuing an MBA and why Tuck? (300 words) What distinctive aspects of the Tuck MBA experience will help you realize your post-MBA goals? What motivates you to apply to Tuck and would compel you to accept an offer of admission? That’s really what they want to know. And those elements of the program need to be associated with your aspirations. In terms of structuring a response, you can start with your aspirations, which should lead directly to your reasons for pursuing an MBA. Then show how Tuck is perfectly suited to propel you towards your vision of your future. Focus on the distinctive aspects of Tuck’s program. Tuck MBA Application Essay #2 Tuck students recognize how their individuality adds to the fabric of Tuck. Tell us who you are. (300 words) This is a big question with not a lot of words to answer it in. Think about aspects of you and your life that reflect your individuality and aren’t reflected in other parts of the application or in other essays. Choose the most important elements and spotlight them in this essay. There are so many different ways to approach the response that I’m not going to suggest a structure. I do urge you to think deeply about what makes you You. Also, deliberate carefully and select those experiences and attributes that you want to highlight for Tuck. If your transcript and test score show you’re smart and your resume shows you’re accomplished, Essays #1 and #2 will show how aware you are. Tuck MBA Application Essay #3 Tuck students invest generously in one another’s success even when it is not convenient or easy. Share an example of how you helped someone else succeed. (300 words) And this essay will address â€Å"niceness.†FYI: The â€Å"even when it is not convenient or easy†part was added this year. This question asks you to provide one experience that shows you contributing and supporting someone else’s success. Your assistance could be on or off the job. While Tuck hasn’t given a timeframe, I would recommend that you go back not more than two years and certainly not more than four years. A CAR approach will work well here:  Challenge both for you and the beneficiary  Action  Result Keep it specific and concrete or you will blend in with others writing in generalities. Your empathetic, helpful response to the other party’s situation is key. Set the scene by describing the situation. How did you help the other party succeed? What were the challenges you both faced? What were the results? Tuck MBA Application Essay #4 (Optional) Please provide any additional insight or information that you have not addressed elsewhere (e.g., atypical choice of evaluators, factors affecting academic performance, unexplained job gaps or changes). Complete this question only if you feel your candidacy is not fully represented by this application. (300 words) If you have any of the elements mentioned in Tuck’s question, by all means, address them here. You do NOT want the admissions committee guessing or assuming wrongly when they come across something anomalous. If you feel your application represents your candidacy well, don’t feel compelled to respond to the optional essay. If you believe, however, that your application is missing key elements of your story, then briefly include them here. If your application is missing critical context, succinctly add it here. Whether it’s a challenge that you’ve faced or a hardship overcome or another context for what you’ve achieved that will help the admissions committee appreciate your candidacy, include it. But don’t waste their time with drivel or material that’s elsewhere in your application. Doing so would reveal a definite lack of judgment, and in Tuck terms, awareness. Tuck MBA Application Essay #5 (to be completed by all reapplicants) How have you strengthened your candidacy since you last applied? Please reflect on how you have grown personally and professionally. (300 words) This is a straightforward MBA reapplication question. It is critical that every reapplicant be able to answer it for every school they are reapplying to: What has changed that would compel Tuck to admit you this year? For expert guidance with your Dartmouth Tuck MBA application, check out Accepted’s MBA Application Packages, which include comprehensive guidance from an experienced admissions consultant. We’ve helped hundreds of applicants get accepted to Dartmouth Tuck’s MBA program and look forward to helping you too! Dartmouth Tuck 2019-20 Application Deadlines Application Deadline Decisions Released  Round 1 October 7, 2019 December 12, 2019  Round 2 January 6, 2020 March 12, 2020  Round 3 March 30, 2020 May 7, 2020 Round 1 Consortium* October 15, 2019 December 12, 2019 Round 2 Consortium* January 5, 2020 March 12, 2020 Applications are due by 5:00pm EST *Prospective students who are applying to Tuck through The Consortium will receive two decisions; one from Tuck regarding their admission decision and a second from the Consortium regarding their membership decision. ***Disclaimer: Information is subject to change. Please check with individual programs to verify the essay questions, instructions, and deadlines.*** By Linda Abraham, president and founder of Accepted. Linda earned her bachelors and MBA at UCLA, and has been advising applicants since 1994 when she founded Accepted. Linda is the co-founder and first president of AIGAC. She has written or co-authored 13 e-books on the admissions process, and has been quoted by The Wall Street Journal, U.S. News, Poets Quants, Bloomberg Businessweek, CBS News, and others. Linda is the host of Admissions Straight Talk, a podcast for graduate school applicants. Want an admissions expert help you get accepted? Click here to get in touch! Related Resources: †¢ Why MBA?, a free guide to writing about your MBA goals †¢ An Interview with Dartmouth Tuck’s Admissions Director, Luke Pena, a podcast episode †¢Ã‚ 3 Tips for Showing Strengths in Your Application Essays Dartmouth Tuck MBA Essay Tips Deadlines [2019 - 2020] Under Pena’s leadership, Tuck has developed a very purposeful process focused on admitting people who meet its four criteria, summed up as: smart, nice, accomplished, and aware. The criteria match my understanding of the Tuck community, and also are relatively easy to grasp. Once Tuck established and defined these criteria, it designed its application process to unearth the qualities it is seeking in candidates. For more information on the Tuck criteria and the application process, please review: Tuck’s Evaluation Criteria An Interview with Dartmouth Tuck’s Admissions Director, Luke Pena While most schools so far have made few or no changes to their applications this year, Tuck has made significant changes. Last year Tuck required two essays with a maximum length of 500 words. This year, it is asking for three required essays with a maximum length of 300 words. Essay questions #1 and #2 are entirely new. In addition, Tuck has done away with last year’s short-answer questions. The optional and reapplicant essay questions are unchanged. My Dartmouth Tuck MBA essay tips are below in blue. Remember, concision is the name of the game. Dartmouth Tuck MBA Application Your essays are an opportunity to articulate your candidacy for Tuck. The best responses are clear, succinct, forthright, thoughtful, genuine, and so distinctly personal that only you could have written them. We expect that your essays are completely accurate and exclusively your own. Use of essay writing services violates Tuck’s admissions policies. Tuck MBA Application Essay #1 Tuck students can articulate how the distinctive Tuck MBA will advance their aspirations. Why are you pursuing an MBA and why Tuck? (300 words) What distinctive aspects of the Tuck MBA experience will help you realize your post-MBA goals? What motivates you to apply to Tuck and would compel you to accept an offer of admission? That’s really what they want to know. And those elements of the program need to be associated with your aspirations. In terms of structuring a response, you can start with your aspirations, which should lead directly to your reasons for pursuing an MBA. Then show how Tuck is perfectly suited to propel you towards your vision of your future. Focus on the distinctive aspects of Tuck’s program. Tuck MBA Application Essay #2 Tuck students recognize how their individuality adds to the fabric of Tuck. Tell us who you are. (300 words) This is a big question with not a lot of words to answer it in. Think about aspects of you and your life that reflect your individuality and aren’t reflected in other parts of the application or in other essays. Choose the most important elements and spotlight them in this essay. There are so many different ways to approach the response that I’m not going to suggest a structure. I do urge you to think deeply about what makes you You. Also, deliberate carefully and select those experiences and attributes that you want to highlight for Tuck. If your transcript and test score show you’re smart and your resume shows you’re accomplished, Essays #1 and #2 will show how aware you are. Tuck MBA Application Essay #3 Tuck students invest generously in one another’s success even when it is not convenient or easy. Share an example of how you helped someone else succeed. (300 words) And this essay will address â€Å"niceness.†FYI: The â€Å"even when it is not convenient or easy†part was added this year. This question asks you to provide one experience that shows you contributing and supporting someone else’s success. Your assistance could be on or off the job. While Tuck hasn’t given a timeframe, I would recommend that you go back not more than two years and certainly not more than four years. A CAR approach will work well here:  Challenge both for you and the beneficiary  Action  Result Keep it specific and concrete or you will blend in with others writing in generalities. Your empathetic, helpful response to the other party’s situation is key. Set the scene by describing the situation. How did you help the other party succeed? What were the challenges you both faced? What were the results? Tuck MBA Application Essay #4 (Optional) Please provide any additional insight or information that you have not addressed elsewhere (e.g., atypical choice of evaluators, factors affecting academic performance, unexplained job gaps or changes). Complete this question only if you feel your candidacy is not fully represented by this application. (300 words) If you have any of the elements mentioned in Tuck’s question, by all means, address them here. You do NOT want the admissions committee guessing or assuming wrongly when they come across something anomalous. If you feel your application represents your candidacy well, don’t feel compelled to respond to the optional essay. If you believe, however, that your application is missing key elements of your story, then briefly include them here. If your application is missing critical context, succinctly add it here. Whether it’s a challenge that you’ve faced or a hardship overcome or another context for what you’ve achieved that will help the admissions committee appreciate your candidacy, include it. But don’t waste their time with drivel or material that’s elsewhere in your application. Doing so would reveal a definite lack of judgment, and in Tuck terms, awareness. Tuck MBA Application Essay #5 (to be completed by all reapplicants) How have you strengthened your candidacy since you last applied? Please reflect on how you have grown personally and professionally. (300 words) This is a straightforward MBA reapplication question. It is critical that every reapplicant be able to answer it for every school they are reapplying to: What has changed that would compel Tuck to admit you this year? For expert guidance with your Dartmouth Tuck MBA application, check out Accepted’s MBA Application Packages, which include comprehensive guidance from an experienced admissions consultant. We’ve helped hundreds of applicants get accepted to Dartmouth Tuck’s MBA program and look forward to helping you too! Dartmouth Tuck 2019-20 Application Deadlines Application Deadline Decisions Released  Round 1 October 7, 2019 December 12, 2019  Round 2 January 6, 2020 March 12, 2020  Round 3 March 30, 2020 May 7, 2020 Round 1 Consortium* October 15, 2019 December 12, 2019 Round 2 Consortium* January 5, 2020 March 12, 2020 Applications are due by 5:00pm EST *Prospective students who are applying to Tuck through The Consortium will receive two decisions; one from Tuck regarding their admission decision and a second from the Consortium regarding their membership decision. ***Disclaimer: Information is subject to change. Please check with individual programs to verify the essay questions, instructions, and deadlines.*** By Linda Abraham, president and founder of Accepted. Linda earned her bachelors and MBA at UCLA, and has been advising applicants since 1994 when she founded Accepted. Linda is the co-founder and first president of AIGAC. She has written or co-authored 13 e-books on the admissions process, and has been quoted by The Wall Street Journal, U.S. News, Poets Quants, Bloomberg Businessweek, CBS News, and others. Linda is the host of Admissions Straight Talk, a podcast for graduate school applicants. Want an admissions expert help you get accepted? Click here to get in touch! Related Resources: †¢ Why MBA?, a free guide to writing about your MBA goals †¢ An Interview with Dartmouth Tuck’s Admissions Director, Luke Pena, a podcast episode †¢Ã‚ 3 Tips for Showing Strengths in Your Application Essays Dartmouth Tuck MBA Essay Tips Deadlines [2019 - 2020] Under Pena’s leadership, Tuck has developed a very purposeful process focused on admitting people who meet its four criteria, summed up as: smart, nice, accomplished, and aware. The criteria match my understanding of the Tuck community, and also are relatively easy to grasp. Once Tuck established and defined these criteria, it designed its application process to unearth the qualities it is seeking in candidates. For more information on the Tuck criteria and the application process, please review: Tuck’s Evaluation Criteria An Interview with Dartmouth Tuck’s Admissions Director, Luke Pena While most schools so far have made few or no changes to their applications this year, Tuck has made significant changes. Last year Tuck required two essays with a maximum length of 500 words. This year, it is asking for three required essays with a maximum length of 300 words. Essay questions #1 and #2 are entirely new. In addition, Tuck has done away with last year’s short-answer questions. The optional and reapplicant essay questions are unchanged. My Dartmouth Tuck MBA essay tips are below in blue. Remember, concision is the name of the game. Dartmouth Tuck MBA Application Your essays are an opportunity to articulate your candidacy for Tuck. The best responses are clear, succinct, forthright, thoughtful, genuine, and so distinctly personal that only you could have written them. We expect that your essays are completely accurate and exclusively your own. Use of essay writing services violates Tuck’s admissions policies. Tuck MBA Application Essay #1 Tuck students can articulate how the distinctive Tuck MBA will advance their aspirations. Why are you pursuing an MBA and why Tuck? (300 words) What distinctive aspects of the Tuck MBA experience will help you realize your post-MBA goals? What motivates you to apply to Tuck and would compel you to accept an offer of admission? That’s really what they want to know. And those elements of the program need to be associated with your aspirations. In terms of structuring a response, you can start with your aspirations, which should lead directly to your reasons for pursuing an MBA. Then show how Tuck is perfectly suited to propel you towards your vision of your future. Focus on the distinctive aspects of Tuck’s program. Tuck MBA Application Essay #2 Tuck students recognize how their individuality adds to the fabric of Tuck. Tell us who you are. (300 words) This is a big question with not a lot of words to answer it in. Think about aspects of you and your life that reflect your individuality and aren’t reflected in other parts of the application or in other essays. Choose the most important elements and spotlight them in this essay. There are so many different ways to approach the response that I’m not going to suggest a structure. I do urge you to think deeply about what makes you You. Also, deliberate carefully and select those experiences and attributes that you want to highlight for Tuck. If your transcript and test score show you’re smart and your resume shows you’re accomplished, Essays #1 and #2 will show how aware you are. Tuck MBA Application Essay #3 Tuck students invest generously in one another’s success even when it is not convenient or easy. Share an example of how you helped someone else succeed. (300 words) And this essay will address â€Å"niceness.†FYI: The â€Å"even when it is not convenient or easy†part was added this year. This question asks you to provide one experience that shows you contributing and supporting someone else’s success. Your assistance could be on or off the job. While Tuck hasn’t given a timeframe, I would recommend that you go back not more than two years and certainly not more than four years. A CAR approach will work well here:  Challenge both for you and the beneficiary  Action  Result Keep it specific and concrete or you will blend in with others writing in generalities. Your empathetic, helpful response to the other party’s situation is key. Set the scene by describing the situation. How did you help the other party succeed? What were the challenges you both faced? What were the results? Tuck MBA Application Essay #4 (Optional) Please provide any additional insight or information that you have not addressed elsewhere (e.g., atypical choice of evaluators, factors affecting academic performance, unexplained job gaps or changes). Complete this question only if you feel your candidacy is not fully represented by this application. (300 words) If you have any of the elements mentioned in Tuck’s question, by all means, address them here. You do NOT want the admissions committee guessing or assuming wrongly when they come across something anomalous. If you feel your application represents your candidacy well, don’t feel compelled to respond to the optional essay. If you believe, however, that your application is missing key elements of your story, then briefly include them here. If your application is missing critical context, succinctly add it here. Whether it’s a challenge that you’ve faced or a hardship overcome or another context for what you’ve achieved that will help the admissions committee appreciate your candidacy, include it. But don’t waste their time with drivel or material that’s elsewhere in your application. Doing so would reveal a definite lack of judgment, and in Tuck terms, awareness. Tuck MBA Application Essay #5 (to be completed by all reapplicants) How have you strengthened your candidacy since you last applied? Please reflect on how you have grown personally and professionally. (300 words) This is a straightforward MBA reapplication question. It is critical that every reapplicant be able to answer it for every school they are reapplying to: What has changed that would compel Tuck to admit you this year? For expert guidance with your Dartmouth Tuck MBA application, check out Accepted’s MBA Application Packages, which include comprehensive guidance from an experienced admissions consultant. We’ve helped hundreds of applicants get accepted to Dartmouth Tuck’s MBA program and look forward to helping you too! Dartmouth Tuck 2019-20 Application Deadlines Application Deadline Decisions Released  Round 1 October 7, 2019 December 12, 2019  Round 2 January 6, 2020 March 12, 2020  Round 3 March 30, 2020 May 7, 2020 Round 1 Consortium* October 15, 2019 December 12, 2019 Round 2 Consortium* January 5, 2020 March 12, 2020 Applications are due by 5:00pm EST *Prospective students who are applying to Tuck through The Consortium will receive two decisions; one from Tuck regarding their admission decision and a second from the Consortium regarding their membership decision. ***Disclaimer: Information is subject to change. Please check with individual programs to verify the essay questions, instructions, and deadlines.*** By Linda Abraham, president and founder of Accepted. Linda earned her bachelors and MBA at UCLA, and has been advising applicants since 1994 when she founded Accepted. Linda is the co-founder and first president of AIGAC. She has written or co-authored 13 e-books on the admissions process, and has been quoted by The Wall Street Journal, U.S. News, Poets Quants, Bloomberg Businessweek, CBS News, and others. Linda is the host of Admissions Straight Talk, a podcast for graduate school applicants. Want an admissions expert help you get accepted? Click here to get in touch! Related Resources: †¢ Why MBA?, a free guide to writing about your MBA goals †¢ An Interview with Dartmouth Tuck’s Admissions Director, Luke Pena, a podcast episode †¢Ã‚ 3 Tips for Showing Strengths in Your Application Essays
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